Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Homework 11

If I were to get a robot that could only do one thing, I would get a robot that can learn.  If it can learn, then I can teach it things, and then it can do new things.  (I guess this is considered cheating, like asking the Genie for unlimited wishes?)  So if I had a robot that could only do one thing, and it is not learning or getting smarter, I would   want one of the yardba’s…or farmerbots???  Having something to provide me with food seems like a really good idea, especially since I have the ungreenest thumb EVER! (Even my tomatoes die on me… L ).  If it ever got to the point where one has to provide their own food, it would make sure I survive as well as free up my time so I can do other things.
I sure wish that my free coupon would be for the ASIMO robot...
I will email you this
Watching these time-lapse videos really made me think about the concept of change…sometimes, you hardly notice things change.  For example, your children.  You don’t notice that they change daily – but they do.  If you don’t see them for a while, then you notice the change.  Then some things, even though they change, they really still are the same…for example the people in the time laps videos.  Their hair, glasses, or environment changed, but you could tell it was them. Other things, like the forensic examples, or the buildings, really do change.
So I guess enjoy the moment, because it will change soon.  You may not notice it, but it will.  Also, even if everything still seems the same, it has changed – you just are not aware of it.  Every moment is important, something is happening at all times.  Pay attention!
I think these are really cool – however, unless you have a camera set up to take remote pictures – it seems very time consuming.  I wonder if these people are now more aware of their surroundings??? Do they notice things that other people don’t since they did these projects?

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