Abstract: General Overview of the project and outcome
Introduction: discuss age groups, state hypothesis/prediction about the outcome of the surveys
Materials and Methods: Discuss the questions i chose (mention related web-sites), who and how i chose the survey group.
Results: discuss answers given in survey, compare answers given by the different groups. Add data table containing all answers
discussion: relate differences/similarities in answers to age groups. accept/reject hypothesis. discuss the outcome, possible flaws, other things to consider, extensions possibilities for future projects
3. I incorporated the background research that I did in the Materials and Methods section, since that is where I will be discussing the questions and the survey groups I chose in more detail.
I might incorporate and cite the resarch in the discussion section, as well, as it applies to my findings.
Abstract: General Overview of the project and outcome
Introduction: discuss age groups, state hypothesis/prediction about the outcome of the surveys
Materials and Methods: I have chosen to ask 7 questions about the participant's view of the future. I chose an open answer type set-up, as to minimize the degree to which I was leading the answers. I did not want the participants to chose which one of "my scenarios" they thought most likely. I researched on the internet the types of views about the future. I wanted to chose topics in my questions that people might already have an opinion about. I wanted them to be able to relate to the questions so they could give their actual opinion.
I used several internet sites to get a better understanding of what questions to ask, and what I should expect from the answers. discusses ranges and characteristics of different views of the future. mentions that women have different views of the future, and talks about student's preferred futures. gave me general ideas what topics people might be thinking about when they think about the future.
Results: discuss answers given in survey, compare answers given by the different groups. Add data table containing all answers
discussion: relate differences/similarities in answers to age groups. accept/reject hypothesis. discuss the outcome, possible flaws, other things to consider, extensions possibilities for future projects
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